Wassink Family

Wassink Family

Thursday, November 10, 2011


I'm so happy that God has blessed us with 2 healthy boys. Sometimes I wonder why He choose me. I don't deserve them. I get a lot of people saying "whoa, you have twins and they're number 4 & 5? are you crazy?" The answer is no, we are not crazy. It is God's choosing who He bestows blessings on. I consider each of my children as a true blessing from God. I decided when we found out we were pregnant this last time that I was giong to have a positive out look about it, and we did want another baby. When we found out it was twins I was truly excited, shaking with shock and joy. I prayed throughout my pregnancy to keep the babies safe and get to get to a point where I could have them delivered and have them live. God blessed in the fact He let me carry them to term and I got to take them home from the hospital the same time I was discharged. The beginning was not easy. My oldest,Leanne, started kindergarten 3 or 4 weeks after i had them and Clay started preschool. Ross and I didn't get a lot of sleep (barly any at all-a grand total of 3 hours of broken up sleep),and I was recovering from a c-section. I did complain about being tired or how one baby wouldn't sleep when I wanted him too. But here's the thing, when I look back at that first month I discovered that my marriage was growing stronger. We had to lean on each other to get through. Ross has grown as a father and as my number one supporter. i have grown as a mother. We had to learn how to juggle 3 older children and our 2 babies. I also found out that we are members of a wonderful church. I had so many people sending cards and bringing meals. Ross' mom has been a huge help-she comes over and does my laundry and helps with the babies. I can't say thank you enough. Everything that everyone has done for us is amazing. God has so richly blessed us in so many ways. we see His handiwork in every aspect of our lives. Sometimes in life we get surprises and the twins were a wonderful surprise. I'm so happy He choose us.