Wassink Family

Wassink Family

Thursday, September 27, 2012


Brave.  Yup, that's what I was yesterday.  Brave.  I was going to go to Target before I met the school bus when I only had the four younger children, but decided against it when I remembered that Leanne needed to pick out her birthday treat.  Brave.  I picked Leanne up and then we were off.  I debated if I should take my double stroller or pile the twins and Alli into the cart.  The cart won.  Alli went in the front of the cart and the twins went in the big area of the cart. The older kids walked along side of the cart. Brave.  I've made a scene at the library before with the five, but this was my first time to go to a bigger store without Ross along for help.  GULP.  Since the twins were occupying the larger area of the cart, I debated if I wanted to take another cart or get a basket to put underneath my cart.  I opted for the basket underneath the cart since we didn't need many things.  We were off.  We got Leanne's treat and she had a big selection because the halloween candy was out.  That was the first things into the basket.  The twins heaved whatever was in their area over the side so I was thankful I chose to take a basket along.  Trying to act normal while people stare at you can be hard.  I try to ignore them.  We continue.  The twins are no longer sitting down, but standing up and holding onto the sides of the cart.  They were so happy!!  Go down another aisle and a lady exclaims "TWINS".  I smile and nod my head and continue on my way.  Get a few more thing and check them off my list.  Pass another lady in a aisle, she points and smiles.  I think to myself, I create a scene where ever we go.  I'm almost done.  I'm starting to get hot.  I can't wait to leave.  Everyone was behaving wonderful.  I even let them look at the toys for a few minutes.  The kids don't get out much.  We head to the check out.  While in line, a lady in the next aisle makes my day and makes the trip really worth it.  She says to me, "I've been watching you as you went through the store (who hasn't?), and you're twins are the cutest things I've ever seen.  At one point, one of them had his arm around the other one (I didn't see them do that, but I was very preoccupied).  Your kids did good in the store.  You're a good mom."  I think that what every mom wants to hear.  Thank you to that very kind woman who went out of her way for telling me that.  It truly brightened my brave day.  After that we proceeded to go out of the store and I got everyone in the car and went home.  Maybe when I get up enough courage and nerve, I'll do this again someday.   

Sunday, September 2, 2012


This past week our family went on vacation.  We went all the way to Curtis (located in the Upper Peninsula).  It was a long drive, but all the kids were wonderful.  We stopped during our trip up there at Arby's.  Ross and I were kind of dreading to take all of our children in there, but every one needed a break from the long car ride.  Ross and the kids sat down (of coarse in the back of the restaurant) and I went to order and bring back the food.  They were well behaved.  As I sat down with the food, an older gentleman came over by us and told us what a lovely family we have.  He repeated it a few times and looked at each of the kids.  It meant so much to us to have a random stranger come up to us and say that!  Usually people say  to us, wow, you have a busy family.  It was so refreshing!!!  We know that we are blessed to have all of our children, but it made us feel even more blessed that someone else noticed.

Our week at Curtis was so much fun.  Scott and Shannon Denherder, along with their two little ones, Gavin (almost 3) and Alice (1 1/2 years).  We shared a large cottage and we rented a pontoon boat that needed two people to get it started (it was a pile, but a fun pile).  The kids played in the sand and played in the water. 

Gavin and Allison playing at the cottage
Ross and one of the babies (I don't have
a clue wich one it is)

The kids playing in the water at the cottage.

We went sight seeing every other day. If you ever go to the U.P.  check out Fayette (a place they used to mine iron ore).  It's a historical place with buildings set up with things of how they used to live. 

Clay and Leanne by a wagon wheel at Fayette

Seney wild life refuge is another good place to go.  Ross and I usually take the kids for a drive through there on Sunday.  It's a nice little drive through nature. 

Reed loved driving through Seney.  We let
each of the kids take a turn driving.  We start
them young.

Another great place we went and usually go every time we go to the u.p. is Kitchi-iti-kipi (palm book state park).  It is a natural spring that you take a slow moving raft across.  You can see the spring through the beautiful clear water.  Great big fish are usually swimming in the area too.

Some of the Big fish at the spring

The spring (it looks cooler in person)

Leanne and Clay looking through the glass
at the spring

Pictured Rocks are also a great place to go.  We usually bring our bathing suits and swim at Lake Superior.  We love swimming there.
This year, we also drove up to Munising.  We wanted to see the aftermath of the wild fire they had this past spring.  It was so odd to see all stumps of trees and charred trees. We drove by all these burned trees and Lake superior suddenly appeared out of no where. We stopped at the campground there and let the kids go out and play.  They gathered all sorts of beautiful rocks there.  Sparkly pink and orange ones, dark gray ones, ones with unique cracks in them. 

The loggers are starting to take down the
burnt trees.  You can see a stack of them in this
There used to be an inn in this location.
The fire consumed it.

Family picture at Lake Superior.  Not
the best picture of us all, but we were
cold and the wind was blowing.


We had a wonderful time spending time together as a family and with our friends.  So happy that God gave us time to relax and enjoy His handiwork.