Wassink Family

Wassink Family

Monday, October 22, 2012

Dead Wrong

Dead wrong, yup, I was dead wrong.  I didn't know I was wrong until we reached that point.  I thought it would be easier, but it's not easier, just different.  I'm no longer a zombie, but instead I feel haggard. The thing that I was dead wrong about is that I told myself, when I was extremely exhausted from sleep deprivation, that it would be so much easier when they turned one.  They, being my precious, mischievous, getting into the toilet bowl, crawling in sissy's room, taking things out of the cupboards, pulling each others hair, hitting each other, stealing each others food, crawling on the table at breakfast, lunch, and dinner, standing up constantly in their seats, putting things in their mouths that are not supposed to be in there, crawling over the other one cause they don't realize they can go around, crawling crawling crawling everywhere, and forget about taking them downstairs, that is a whole new world down there.  Down there is a toy room that they shouldn't go into.  Down there are way to many little parts like, Lego's, Barbie accessories, little itty bitty toys that just do NOT belong in their mouths.  Down there are two more bedrooms they shouldn't go into.  But if they do get a chance to go down there and the room doors are open, they are in there.  Down there is another bathroom that is off limits, but we have other shorties that forget to shut the door when they are down there.  And between down there and up there are the stairs.  They know how to climb them, over and over and over and over times 2, but they can't get back down unless they use their heads as a cushion as they fall.  It's just best if we stay up here.  Who are these little adorable lovable, give me a 2 tooth smile and makes it all worth it? Who are the ones that giggle and hang onto mommy's pant legs while she's trying to make dinner?  Who are the ones that greet daddy with big smiles and drool?  I think we all know who the culprits are.  Why it's Luke Grant and Reed Lane.  Cutest twins ever.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Leanne turns 7

Leanne, my oldest, turned 7 years old this past Friday.  She is my helper and I miss her a lot when she's at school.  She is very good with the twins and has a take charge attitude. Her favorite color is pink and her favorite hobby is arts and crafts.  She hates dolls and never did like to play dress up.  She still likes Thomas the train and her other favorite thing to do is reading.  She's currently reading The Boxcar Children books. 

Here's a few pictures of her growing  up

Leanne when she was a baby

1 year old

Leanne, 2 years old, with her brother,Clay

Leanne's 3rd birthday
in Disney World
First day of preschool
First day of kindergarten
First day of first grade
Leanne is a good big sister
I can't believe she is 7 years old.  It went so fast.  I hope that God grants us many more years to be parents of this bright little girl.  Happy Birthday Leanne!