Wassink Family

Wassink Family

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Chicken Run

Fore note:  A couple of things you need to know before reading this post.  1.  The twin's room is pretty high up. We do not have a second story, but the way the house is built, the height of their room is second story height.  2.  The twins broke their shade awhile back.  It was the roller kind of shade and it had a thin plastic stick insert that weighted it down on the end of the shade.  They pulled it out the other day and it was conveniently laying were I needed it.  Okay, enough details about the shade, now time for the incident of the day.

It was time to go get the older kids from the bus stop, so I got the twin's socks and shoes on and made sure Alli was ready to head out the door.  It was cold out, so I opened the garage door so I could get the car started, as I was getting kids buckled into their seats.  I left the door open to the house because I get one twin in at a time in the car, although the other one usually walks out to the car as I'm getting the other buckled.  I got everyone buckled and went back to shut the door to the house and to my shock, I saw the back end of a chicken in my kitchen!  A CHICKEN IN THE HOUSE!! So I called out the to chicken "here chicken, here chicken" and obviously it didn't listen to me.  It wandered into the dining room and pecked a piece of crumb off my floor.  I slid the slider door open in the dining room in hopes I could get her to go outside on the deck.  Yeah, it did not work, it scared the chicken.  The chicken made it's way down the hallway (on my carpeted floor).  I'm calling after her "DON'T POOP! DON'T POOP" and I let out a few squeals "AWWAH,AWWWWWAH".  That chicken went into the twin's room at the very end of the hallway (It was the only option. Thankfully, all the other doors were shut down the hallway).  All I'm thinking is how am I going to get this chicken out of my house!  The chicken walked around the room and I tried to slowly go towards it, but then the chicken would get a little spooked.  I picked up the diaper box to see if I could trap it with that, but the box was too small and I knew it would make the chicken go crazy.  The chicken went into the space between Reed's crib and the wall and it would have been the perfect spot to pick it up, but I don't touch chickens.  So I did the only thing I could do, I called Ross in hopes he could come home to help me get the chicken out of the house.  So this is how the call went.  Me, somewhat hysterical, "Ross, there is a chicken in the house." Ross, "What!?  How did happen?"  Me, "she came in when I was getting kids in the car and now I can't catch her to get her out, AWWAHH(chicken was running around and I was squealing)" Ross, laughing hysterically, "Erin, grab her by the feet and drag her out."  If you have ever looked at chicken feet, you know they are NOT pretty.  No way was I going to do that.  Thankfully, as he was saying that the chicken jumped up to perch on the windowsill.  I went to open the window and the chicken flew off of it (more squealing from me) and it had a screen in it.  She then ran to other window and perched on that one.  I went to go open that one and the chicken flew up and off of it (more squealing from me, oh and Ross is on the phone yet laughing his head off at me).  The chicken is back at the window with the screen in it.  I yell out, "please, don't poop!"  The chicken comes off that window and perches by the boys' dresser.  I pick up that plastic curtain stick (from the fore note) to try to poke it in the right direction.  Finally, the chicken perches on the window that doesn't have the screen in it.  She looks down, she looks at me, and I poke her with that plastic stick and out she goes flapping her wings, clucking and bawking to her graceful flight down to the ground.  I'm pretty sure that that is the highest she will ever "fly".  Ross was still on the phone and still laughing at me. We hung up the phone laughing. I get into the car, thankful that for once I had everyone in the car early and I had more than enough time to get to the bus stop.  I make sure the door and the garage door are shut.  Oh and by the way, the chicken did not poop in my house!