Wassink Family

Wassink Family

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Hats for Sale

As I have mentioned before, we live down a dirt lane on the blueberry farm, surrounded by trees, and we have 1 neighbor.  So of course, Allison and Clay think this is the perfect spot to make paper hats (they are tiny and won't stay on) and try to put them up for sale.  They have worked really hard at making paper hats and crowns, airplanes, and bookmarks.  They have a good price list, you can buy almost anything for a penny.  The first day they did it, Alli came inside and said defeated, "no one is coming to buy our hats, we haven't made any money."  At that time, I had no idea that they were even doing this.  I saw what they were trying to do, and I tried to explain to them that no one knows that they were trying to sell anything, because no one can see them.  Alli, still looking defeated, said, "well, maybe when your customers come, they will buy a hat from us."  I had no customers coming that day for cupcakes (it was a Monday), so I told her she would have to wait a long time.  Luke and Reed came in, and I gave them some small change, and they went and bought hats.  That made the salesman/lady very happy.  I called Ross, so he would be ready to buy something from them too.  Ever since then, they make hats, and set up on my porch, in hopes of making money.  

This is their little set up.

The sign says, Hats for sale, take your shoes off, take off 
your socks too, no food, no babies only if there ours, no mean

And this is the hat you can get for 10 cents, but they'll also
let you have it for a Penny if that's all you have.

I love their imaginations and how well they play together and make hats.....If anyone needs a small paper colored hat, you know where to come!