Wassink Family

Wassink Family

Thursday, March 1, 2012

mommy's quiet time

I know I shouldn't be up past midnight, but I don't get much time to myself anymore. I love it when all the kids are tucked in bed and my hubby is sleeping and it is finally quiet. I have the dishwasher running and I love that sound. It makes me feel relaxed and comfortable. After this rough past week, it's just nice to take a little time for myself. A little time to reflect on the day and think about tomorrow. Winding down from a very busy day and a very busy week. We're also moving on Saturday. Like I said, it's been a very rough week.
But I can't think of the negatives, I need to stay positive. I thank and praise God that he restored my little Reed to health again. My poor buddy was a very sick boy. I'm so thankful that he is rolling around again and cooing and smiling. I heard that Luke was pretty sick while I was at the hospital. I'm thankful he's back to his normal happy drooling self. It's when your children don't feel well that you realize what's really important in life. It's not about money or anything material, it's about family, health, loving one another and praising God for all He's given us in this life. When someone is ill, you realize what your priorities are.
My priorities are or need to be
1. God. knowing and loving God by praying and reading the Bible. Not just reading the Bible, but taking it to heart. We get so caught up in life that we forget to take the time to really read and listen to God. It's also so very important to go to church and actively listen to what the minister is saying.
2. Husband. We need to take time for each other. Try to go on a few dates here and there. You don't have to spend money to go on a date. Take a walk, go for a drive, or play a game. Our favorite is monopoly. I used to hate that game, but Ross doesn't like to play other games. I found that I now enjoy playing that game because it gives me more time with him (and I like to win).
2. Family. The importance of good, quality family time. Sitting and listening to each other. It's easy to let children ramble on and not really listen, so we need to to take the time and hear what they are saying. If I'm not paying attention to Clay, he will say listen and make me look directly into his eyes before he will tell me what he wants to say. He loves undivided attention. I believe this is one way to show them good communication skills.
3. Friends. We need friends. Someone we can talk to and be able to share with. My husband is my best friend but I need my girlfriends too. It's good to have someone that can relate to what you're going through in life. It's good to support and encourage each other.
4. Household duties. This is another way to show love to your family. Cooking, cleaning, and laundry are all acts of love. It's important to maintain a house. I'm not saying it needs to be spotless (mine never is) but it should look like you at least tried. Sometimes I feel too tired to pick up or do anything, but I try to remind myself that this needs to be done to show my love.
There is so much more I could list, but I'd better get to bed. We have a big day tomorrow, followed by a big weekend. Good night.

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