Wassink Family

Wassink Family

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Top 5 questions I get asked about my twins

These are the questions/statements I get asked when I take the twins out in public

1.  Are they twins?  Yes, they are.  My thoughts- no I just take an extra baby along for the fun of it.  Of coarse they are twins.

2.  Wow you must be busy!  Yes, it can be busy but they are good babies.

3.  Do you have more children?  And this is where I really don't want to answer the question because I know what their reponse is going to be.  Their eyes are going to bug out of their heads and I feel like their going to look at me like I'm too young to have that many kids.  Gulp, giggle and I answer "they are number 4 and 5."  They look at me like I'm crazy and I tell myself I am not crazy, I love my kids. 

4.  How old are your other kids?  My oldest is 6, I answer.  This is where their jaws fall open and they can't fathom having this many kids.

5.  How do you do it?  Moment by moment, day by day.  I don't include that I try to close my eyes when I see my laundry pile up or when other household duties need to be done and I just can't seem to get to them.  It's true, I try not to look to far ahead or I will have a melt down.  I always conclude my conversation with "I wouldn't change it for anything"  and that is how I feel.

I think it's funny how people have a fasination with twins.   I used to be one of them.  It is a special gift to have 2 babies at once.  I know that when I go out that I will be stared at and if I take them all with me then eyes are going to pop out of heads.  It's okay, it's my life, my family and I wouldn't change it for anything. 

1 comment:

  1. Amen! I love life with twins too. I can only imagine the looks and comments you get since I get some with my 3 under 3 :)
    Abi Lamar
