Wassink Family

Wassink Family

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Twin on a Mission

Ross said today "Reed's mission in life is to follow you around and get into things you leave unattended" after he watched Reed get into a cabinet that I forgot to clip the safety lock on.  The twins are now 18 months and they are very curious little fellows.  Mainly Reed is the more curious of the two.  We thought Clay was a mischievous little boy and Reed has him beat by a mile, and the fact he has a partner in crime, Luke. 

The following are a few glimpses of my twins on a mission:

The other day I gave them each a piece of banana for breakfast.  I must have missed some of the banana during clean up.  When I walked by the kitchen register I found mashed banana in it.  Like Reed try to grate the banana.  He also did that with a cracker on my bedroom register.  It wasn't crumbs when he was done but cracker dust.

I have a drawer in my kitchen where I keep all of my sandwich bags, gallon bags, saran wrap, etc.  They LOVE that drawer.  Reed is usually the first one to pull it open, but Luke is right behind him and they have a baggie party.  We do have a safety lock on it but it was placed just slightly lower than what it needed so they can get it open.  

The other cabinet they love is the cabinet under the sink.  The dishwasher tablets, dish soap, and a trash can is in there.  We have a lock on the outside of it, but if I forget to lock it for even a second they are in there.  The last couple of time, thankfully, they were more interested in pulling out the dishwasher tablets than the trash. 

I'm always looking to make sure that the toilet lids are shut and the doors to bathroom are shut.  But on occasion, I don't catch when one of the other kids are done using the bathroom and they accidentally leave the lid up. If the twins even see the bathroom door open they are in there.  If the toilet lid is up they're splashing around in it.  Reed now gets up on a stool and pulls open the toothbrush drawer and gets toothpaste out. 

The bathtub is a highlight for them too.  If shampoo is on the side of it, they either try to open it up or they push it over the side into the tub.  I have found their snacks in the bottom of the tub because chucking snacks down there is way more fun than eating them.

Then there is the issue of the stairs leading down to the basement.  Leanne's room, Clay's room, a toy room, and the family area are down there.  I don't mind that they go down there if I'm down there watching them.  As they head down, I usually shout out to one of the kids to shut all the doors so they are secluded  to the family room.  It goes awry when one of the older kids accidentally leave the basement door open and the twins sneak down there.  I usually find them in Clay's room playing with his small legos.  If they get into Leanne's room they get a hold of her CD's.  They know they're not supposed to go in there.  When they see me coming they give a sly grin.  Such cute naughty little faces.

These two definitely keep me hopping through out the day.  It's a constant minute by minute getting them out of stuff.  They are quick little buggers.  I love those twins.  They are too cute even if they do get into everything and anything. 


Sunday, February 10, 2013

Random pictures from winter

Leanne and Clay having fun
the babies.
Reed in white and
Luke in blue.

Smooches for Allison

Snow day fun

Cutie pie Leanne

Playful Clay

Sweet Allison

Allison preparing for
her future job (she's
going to be a princess
when she grows up) 

All the kids wanted to
help daddy put the sink in. 

Monday, February 4, 2013


Some decisions in life can be hard.  I've been extremely busy since the twins were born and spread very thin.  I was trying to get back into my career also.  I was picking up more day shifts and I even found a sitter that would be able to take care of everyone while I was away.  Even as I write this I can clearly see I was wrong.  But in the midst of it, I didn't feel like I was doing wrong.  I'm a nurse.  Being a nurse is a calling in life.  I loved my job, loved taking care of newborns and preemies, and enjoyed my fellow co workers.  Something was pricking my conscience but I continued to ignore it until I couldn't anymore.  I wasn't happy at home anymore.  What I thought would make me happy made me sad and irritable at home.  I found out firsthand that I couldn't be 100% mom and wife and 100% nurse.  Something had to give and it wasn't going to be my family.  I gave my two week notice at work.  There has been many tears in this process but I believe in letting go of my job, I have already grown as a mother, wife, and nurse.  Sometimes stepping away is the best thing to do.  I pray that God humbles my walk toward Him and continues to bless me and my family. 

Proverbs 31:27 and 28  "She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness.  Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her"