Wassink Family

Wassink Family

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Twinners are 6 months old- we survived

Six months ago Luke and Reed joined our family and changed our lives.
Luke Grant 6 lbs and 4 oz (on right), Reed Lane 4 lbs and 15 oz (on Left)

It took us time to adjust. The older kids were with their grandparents for a few weeks and came home for visits. I missed them, but Ross and I needed time to adjust to 2 little ones. Life was really different, but good.
Leanne holding Reed
Clay holding Luke
Tricia Brummel came over to take some pictures of the boys.
I love this one!
Another new thing we had to adjust to was sending Leanne off to kindergarten. I was very overwhelmed trying to get into the routine of sending Leanne off to school and keep track of her weekly calender.
Leanne's first day of kindergarten and riding the bus
A few short weeks later, Clay also started pre-school. That involved me to get the twins, Allison, and Clay ready to head out the door. He goes to preschool 30 minutes away from home, so I had to plan where I was going to wait for the day. We spent a lot of time at grandma's house. It was just a lot in the beginning and I was easily overwhelmed. During this time, many people from church gave us meals. That helped immensely!! We couldn't have done it without all the help we received.
Clay's first day of preschool
Me attempting to feed both babies at the same time
We also got the babies baptized. I think they were 6-8weeks old. Ross held both of them at the same time while they got baptized. We had a Luke on the minister's left and Reed on the ministers right so he knew who was who when he baptized them.
Reed Lane on left and Luke Grant on right
We had a light lunch afterward (thanks to Ross' mom and sisters) and cake.
This verse is very fitting for our family. "Thy children like olive plants round about thy table"
Luke and Reed started to smile, coo, and giggle. Around 2 months old we noticed a big difference in their sleep patterns at night. They were doing longer stretches- Hallelujah!!! Instead of the broken up 3 hours of sleep we were getting a night we were getting a solid 4-6 hours at a time. We were starting to enjoy our babies more and started coming out of the sleep deprived haze.
Our first time in a bumbo!! Our older brother and sisters
needed to get in on the action
As the Luke and Reed got bigger, every day things became easier. We still had a very busy household, but it started to feel more managable. The kids started to get more involved with the babies. They love trying to get them to smile and coo at them. Luke and Reed are now becoming more interactive with each other.
Our backs are much sturdier now in our bumbos. We love
to play together!
Luke and Reed now eat baby food too. I put them in their bumbos on the table and spoon feed both of them at the same time out of the same bowl.
Dinner time
My clan
I can't believe they are 6 months old now. It went so fast!! I wish I could go back and visit for a couple of hours when they were newborns. I can barely remember them being so little, but I'm happy we're to this point with them. Each month brings something new and I look forward to watching them continue to grow.

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