Wassink Family

Wassink Family

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

pure insanity

Pure insanity.  Yup, that's what it feels like when you have 2 babies crawling at the same time.  I thought the hardest part was when they were first born, but this, for now, comes in second.  One twin goes one direction and the other goes the opposite direction.  Or they follow each other and get into stuff together.  Today, while I was cleaning up the dining room, I felt the need to check on them in the living room and they were both trying to pull the lamp cord out of the socket. 
For the longest while, we thought that Luke would be the leader and Reed the follower.  We were definitely wrong.  Little wiry Reed is the instigator.  Luke is usually following him around.  Reed is into everything and he can not sit still.  At least with Luke, the toys captivate his attention for a couple of minutes.  I really need eyes in the back of my head. 
They are also starting to feed themselves.  I thought baby food was a mess, this is way worse.  Smashed up bits of cracker everywhere.  Well, at least if I don't have a chance to clean up the floor right away, they can help themselves to a snack while they're crawling around.  I know it's gross, but I wash my floors quite a bit, so it can't be that bad, can it?  Like they say, a little dirt never hurts.
Yup, it's crazy here.  Yup, it's busy here.  Yup, there's plenty of kisses and hugs going around in this crazy busy house. 

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