Wassink Family

Wassink Family

Monday, November 19, 2012

birthday girl

My Allison is now a big 4 year old.  Her birthday was Nov 19.  She is such a joy in our lives. Allison believes that she is Cinderella's twin.  One day, this past year, she said to me, "Reed is Luke's twins and Luke is Reed's twin, Cinderella is my twin."   Allison's favorite color is purple, favorite thing to do is watch mommy cook/bake, and she loves to play "mom and dad".  She also loves Minnie mouse and all things princess. Belle comes in a close second to being her favorite princess.  We call her princess and sweetie but she is also called chipmunk by a certain aunt because of her small stature.  Her Grandpa B (Bykerk) likes to call her Sunny.
I posted a few pictures of her from baby to now. 
Allison Paige
7 lbs 8 oz
my only bald baby

Allison at 1 year

Allison loves her daddy

 All the kids with their pet chickens
Alli and her sand cookie
She LOVED her purple princess castle cake!
We're so happy that Allison is part of this family.  I couldn't imagine a day without her!  May God grant us many years to come with this little sweet princess!!!

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