Wassink Family

Wassink Family

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Dear Librarian, from a very blessed mother

Dear Librarian,
I started out today with gumption.  I was going to take the twins and Alli to Kohls and then to the library.  I did my hair, I put on jeans, and I even did my make up so I wouldn't scare anyone by the haggard look I have without it.  Shoot, I even put a sweater on instead of a sweatshirt.  I was stylen'.  Look out here I come.  I got everyone ready and into the car.  I did notice that the sky was getting dark, but we were off.
My first stop was Kohls and by the time I got the twins unbuckled and into the stroller it was raining, not sprinkling, but raining.  I got Alli out of the car as quickly as I could and we ran into the store.  We pretty much looked like drowned rats.  So much for doing my hair.  I bumped into a few elderly ladies who oohhed and aahhed over the twins, made my purchases, and we were off to come see you.  Well not personally you, but the library.
I just have to say that when we came into the library, a little disheveled, you were so nice to us!  I was so focused on my task that when you said "wow, your twins have grown"  I really didn't think about it.  We truly enjoyed picking out books.  But what really made me feel so good was when you, dear librarian, came back up to me and told me that I was a good mother.  And when you told me you could tell I nurture my children, my heart soared.  When you went back to work, I remembered you.  I had to tell you you were great to us last year when I made a stop in the summer.  When I asked if you remembered us and you said you did, I couldn't believe it.  We only came twice last summer. Although, if it was the time that I got stuck in the doorway with the double jogger, I'm sure I wouldn't forget that either.  It was so refreshing to hear you say that you liked seeing well behaved bigger families.  So I'm writing this to say a huge thank you.  Your encouragement to me was beyond all measures.  So thank you, thank you, thank you.

from a very blessed mother

P.S.  You are now my favorite librarian

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