Wassink Family

Wassink Family

Thursday, April 25, 2013

The art of dressing

Most days I wear sweats and a sweatshirt, no make up and my hair thrown up in a pony tail.  When I wear my sweats, which are uber comfortable, I don't hold my children at arms length.  I let them come to me, boogers and crumb covered face, and let them give me a big, squishy, rub their face in me, hug.  And yes, I do end up covered with their slimy crumbs crushed on my sweatshirt, but hey, its a sweatshirt.  The art of dressing comes in to play when I have to go somewhere.  So I shower in the morning and blow dry (gasp-I never have time or desire to do this anymore) my hair.  Then I even plug in my curling iron and curl my hair.  Slap on some make up and get semi dressed.  You read right, semi dressed.  I'll usually have a pair of jeans on and a tank, but not my shirt I plan to wear.  I get the twins out of bed and give them their breakfast semi dressed.  It's when I'm in the home stretch that I put on my good shirt.  My arms may be freezing, but at least when I get to that special destination I'll come clean with no boogers and crumbs smashed to the front of me.   So right after I get every ones shoes and coats on I'll quick run into my room and throw on a clean shirt.  One final check in the mirror to make sure that no cereal is stuck in my hair and off we go.  I'd much rather wear my sweats everyday so I can snuggle and embraced my booger crumbed coated toddlers, but once in awhile it's nice to get dolled up and go out.

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