Wassink Family

Wassink Family

Thursday, July 25, 2013

The Harvester's wife

       It has been so busy around here as of late.  I got the privilege to stand up in a good friend's wedding this past weekend.  The bridesmaids and the bride stayed overnight in a cabin at Wabasis Campground the night of the rehearsal.  It was a lot of fun to have one more girls night before Tara got married.  Her wedding was on a Saturday at a church out in Rockford and the reception took place at the Wabasis campground activities building.  I'm so happy for Tara and Jeff!  I hope the Lord blesses them with many happy years of marriage.
     Blueberry harvest has also begun this past Monday.  Ross has been working very long hours.  The beginning of harvest seems to always be the hardest.  They run what they call the fresh line.  They harvest some fresh berries and bring them to the shed to be cleaned and be sorted through on a conveyor belt.  A few workers stand on either side of the belt and  take all the bad berries off the line and the berries continue on the belt and they get put in clear plastic boxes.  Our brand is Natureripe.  That's right, I'm advertising.  Best berries you'll ever taste.  When they run fresh line, Ross will start around 6am and come home between 7-10pm.
       As I mentioned, Ross is working..............A LOT!  And as I said previously it's been a busy week.  The twins started out the week with a bang.  They both caught a good cold.  A cold for us means respiratory treatments.  The boys have asthma and Reed has it the worst.  I took them both in on Monday to the doctor.  Luke checked out fine, just continue to do the respiratory treatments.  Reed, not so much.  He ended up with an ear infection and needed to be placed on oral steroids to help him breathe better.  So that was Monday.
    Also this week, Reed is starting to phase out of taking naps.  Of all weeks, I wish it wasn't this week, but it is.  At first I thought it was because of all the albuterol treatments.  Albuterol treatments make kids hyper, but I didn't give him one today and he still insisted on not taking a nap.  I've had a very stressful and rough week. 
   One morning this week was so rough that I couldn't take it anymore.  I took all of the kids out for a walk.  Leanne and Clay rode bikes and I pushed Alli and the twins in the double jogger stroller.  Ross came home during this for lunch to find breakfast still out and the floor littered with pretzels and animal cookies. He doesn't get upset about it either. He just says to me "that bad, huh?"   
       Ross hasn't been able to come home for dinner because he has been so busy at work.  I made salad last night with chicken strips on it along with beans fresh from the garden (we have beans coming our of our ears here).  The kids LOVED it.  Even my picky eater Clay had two helpings of it.  It's been hard to eat dinner and manage all the kids myself.  We ate outside last night and I was having trouble keeping the twins in line.  My fist mistake was having them sit across from each other and not on either side of me.  It was going well at first until Reed started to chuck his beans at Luke.  Luke, of course, was egging him on because he was laughing and so were the rest of the kids.  By the time I got over to Reed to put a stop to it, Luke started chucking his beans.  The boys were basically having their own food fight and the older 3 thought it was hilarious. I did not think it was funny at all.  It was an exhausting dinner hour.  It's so much harder when Ross isn't here to help me.  I didn't realize how hard I lean on him until he wasn't here.
         We're only the first week into harvest with at least 5 more to go.  I'm hoping that once the boys feel better we'll be able to get into a better groove.  This has been the hardest start to harvest I have ever had.  It can only get better, right?  I'm so thankful that Ross has a good job and he loves what he does.  In the grand scheme of things, harvest is only a few weeks out the entire year.  Happy harvesting!

Monday, July 15, 2013

The next little houdini strikes again!

Dear Reed,
I love you very much you silly little monkey.  I need to start out by saying that first.  However, I'm not in love with your recent stage of pulling off your diaper.  I really thought I had you diaper proofed when I had put you down for your nap today.  You took such a good nap too!  All that playing outside this morning with the hose and in the sandbox must have worn you out.  Let's not forget the good bath you took with your bestie, Luke.  I thought I had you in a fool proofed outfit.  I didn't think you could figure out how to take off a one piece short/shirt combo with snaps at the shoulder, but you proved me wrong.  Did you see the surprise look on my face when you saw me walk into your room?  You sure are cute, but I didn't expect to see you naked as a jay bird.  I found your outfit on the outside of your crib and then of course next to it your diaper laid with little brown pebbles scattered everywhere.  When I looked into your face, I couldn't help but laugh.  Your sweet impish grin had said it all.  But my dearest Reed, you're teaching your brother some naughty tricks too.  But at least Luke had the common sense to leave his diaper on.  Mommy truly loves you so much Reed, but if you wouldn't mind, keep your diaper on please! I'm really not ready to potty train you! 


Sunday, July 7, 2013

All things twinnish

My twins have been a unique experience for me, especially since I had 3 single children before them.  Ross and I were commenting on all the things that are so twinnish that Luke and Reed do.  The following are just a few glimpses on what Luke and Reed are like.
It's absolutely adorable to watch them eat.  We have them sitting together at the same end of the table using seats that clip onto the table.  They have just started using forks and spoons and it's not unusual for them to feed each other.  One opens his mouth while the other scoops food onto a fork and shovels it into his brothers mouth.  It's a hit or miss situation but they enjoy doing this for each other. 

this picture is from winter but this is how they sit at the table

Most mornings, after breakfast, my boys get extremely crabby and so I break out the granola bars.  I have always split one in half and given each boy a half.  Luke is starting to get sick of granola bars so I give Reed both halves.  Instead of eating it, Reed will go after Luke with what's supposed to be Luke's half and tries to force him to take it.  It usually results in Luke crying in the end because he doesn't want it. 
They have also started playing together a lot better lately.  They used to grab each other's faces and pull each other's hair, I'm so thankful that that stage has ended.  They play with everything that is a non toy.  They touch none of their toys that they are supposed to play with.  Instead they love the baggie drawer, the dishwasher tabs, toothbrushes, can't forget to mention toothpaste, and like I said everything non toy. They love to play in their closet.  One will be in the inside of the closet and the other will be on the outside of it and they play peek-a-boo.  They recently have gotten into the habit of taking all their clothes out of the dresser drawer too.  This happens the most when one twin is in  a time out in his crib and the other isn't.  The little rascal who is not in the crib will take clothes out of the drawer and toss them into his brother's crib.  They think that is so much fun!
That brings me to this week.  This week Reed had a fever and was down for a nap.  Luke was pretty upset that the door to their bedroom was shut.  He sat outside of the door crying and hitting the door trying to get to Reed.  They are lost without each other.  Today was the same situation.  Luke caught what Reed had.  Luke was down for a nap and Reed laid on the outside of the door pounding on it and not knowing what to do without Luke. I love how they miss each other. 
Another example of their twin behavior is what happens at lunch time.  If one is done with lunch first I'll get that one down for a nap while we wait for the other one to be finished eating.  It's not at all uncommon to hear shrieking from them.  One does a high peal shriek and the other one answers back until they are both in their room together for naps.
It was also pretty cute today when Reed hurt his foot playing with Alli's Barbie car.  Reed was on the floor crying and Luke came over and moved the Barbie car out of the way and then came back with a potato peel (I was peeling potatoes and sometime my peels go flying) to comfort Reed.  It melts my heart to see that they care about each other.
It has been one of the most amazing experiences to be a mother to these twin boys.  Both of them are pure boy to the bone and are often mischievous.  They both have taught me so much!  A lot patience is practiced in this household.  I love those curious little monkeys!