Wassink Family

Wassink Family

Sunday, September 1, 2013

The mice will play while the cat is away

This week was quite busy in spite of my calender having minimal plans on it.  The twins both had croup pretty bad.  Luke woke up Monday with difficulty breathing and a good croupy sounding cough, Reed caught it on Friday.  He wasn't as bad as Luke but he still was having difficulty breathing.  Both boys needed some medicine to help them breathe better until they could get over the hump of their colds/croup. 
But between all Luke and Reed catching croup, they were still up to their regular shenanigans.  Getting into stuff and just being plain naughty.  Thursday, I decided to go through my bins of clothes I keep from the other kids in the basement.  Both boys were downstairs with  me having fun taking clothes out of the bins and tossing them in the air (that was fine with me, it kept them occupied).  I was being very diligent and got caught up going through them all and I lost track of the boys.  This is what they were up to

Yup, 2 boxes of cereal and vegetable straws down my hallway.  I just got the upstairs cleaned up and vacuumed prior to their first big mess.  They were having FUN!  I came upstairs and looked at that mess and just kept gasping with my mouth hanging wide open and they thought I was laughing, so they kept grinning and giggling like "see mom, we are having fun".  I was not amused, although I couldn't resist taking a few photos.  So I tried to pick all that cereal up and I was going to just put it back in the bag and let the kids eat it because I'm dutch and I can't stand to see things go to waste.  As I was trying to save it all, I noticed that the little carpet fuzz were sticking to the cereal and I couldnt' make my kids eat it.  I decided to throw it out.  Since it was going to be time consuming to pick all that up, I got my vacuum out and started to go to town.  However, half way through the vacuum got clogged with all that cereal.  I fixed the vacuum and went to town again.  And wouldn't you know it, as I was finishing up vacuuming, I looked over and Reed was standing on a chair at the table pouring salt all over it.  

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