Wassink Family

Wassink Family

Saturday, August 17, 2013

2 little boys are 2!

Two years ago I had two adorable baby boys.  We've come along ways since the first moment I held you both.

  We've come through sleepless nights, exhausting days, bottles, baby food, crying (sometimes all 3 of us), learning how to walk, first teeth.

  Now you two are busy, very busy.  Playing outside, throwing toys over the deck, being places you're not supposed to be, playing together, feeding each other, being in cahoots and pulling off schemes behind mommy's back, laughing and giggling, garbling in your own special twin language, running all over the yard, picking blueberries, giving kisses and hugs, and trying to be like the older kids. 

I can't believe both of you are already two!  I hope that two is a fun age for the two of you!


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