Wassink Family

Wassink Family

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Women driver

Today was the first day of school after a prolonged Christmas break.  Allison also had preschool this morning.  Sometimes  I just wish my brain would work better and be more efficient.  I got the Leanne and Clay off to school with no problems, I even remembered teachers gifts, lunches, and Clay's birthday treat.  I got Alli and the twins ready to bring her to school.  In my mind I thought I was supposed to leave at 9 AM, but in reality, school for her starts at 9 AM.  Oy, she was a little late.  I took the twins to the dead Westshore mall in Holland, and let them play in the indoor play area.  That went fine, we went shopping, that went fine.  Time to go get them in the car and leave to go pick up Allison, and that went fine.  What wasn't so slick, is when I made the turn too sharp by the mall onto the road and got stuck in the snow bank there.  I must add that I drive a Yukon XL (suburban) and I must also mention that the 4 wheel drive broke on it.  Oh, and I should also mention that I am the worst person at charging a cell phone, so that was dead.  I had it with me, but it didn't work.  I got out the car to observe my shortcomings and realized there was no way I was getting this out by myself.  People were passing and staring, but no one stopped right away.  They were probably thinking woman driver.  I was extremely embarrassed.  A nice woman stopped and asked me if I needed help and let me borrow her cell phone.  When I called Ross, it went straight to his voice mail.  grrrrrr......  I thanked the lady and I decided to get the twins out and go across the street to the hotel to wait in the lobby there for Ross and I thought I could use their phone and stay warm.  Just as I got Reed out, the mall security guys came and said they would give it a go to get me out.  I put Reed back into his seat and prayed this would work.  It was starting to get to the point that I needed to go get Allison.  The 2 security men went to the front side of my car and told me to put it in reverse and give it some gas.  So I did and they pushed, but to no avail.  By this time my face had a stupid nervous grin on it and my face was burning with humiliation.  They were probably thinking woman driver.  So then they told me to really give it some gas when they pushed.  I laid my foot down on the pedal and they pushed, the car moved but not enough.  The men stopped pushing and grabbed a bag of sand and put it under the tires.  "Give it gas" they said, so I did.  It didn't help at all.  The younger one of the men said to me "well, I'm sorry but your car is really stuck.  The smoke was cool from the tire burning rubber."  They asked if they could do anything else for me and I asked to borrow their phone.  Finally, I got a hold of Ross and he said "what?! I'm coming".  As I waited for him, several people stopped to see if they could help.  One man trotted across the street and asked if this car had 4 wheel drive.  "Nope, it's not working right now.  My hubby is coming with a toe strap." woman driver.  He trotted back to his car and took off.  My face was so red by Ross got there.   I was dying of embarrassment.  He hooked it up to the toe strap and with him pulling the car with his truck, I was finally free.  "Don't cut the corner to close, Erin," said Ross with a smirk.  I went off to go get Allison, by this time I was half an hour late.  I made it there and got her home safely, and I didn't cut anymore corners.

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