Wassink Family

Wassink Family

Friday, February 7, 2014

Spring for the King

I have some advice for all people who are about to be married.  I wish I had known this little pearl of wisdom before getting married.  Always always (if there is enough room and if not, take down a wall) spring for the king bed!!  Biggest (slight exaggeration) mistake in my life!  In the beginning of married life, there are just the two of you.  So when you are bed shopping a queen looks big enough with plenty of room to spare.  You are WRONG!  It will not be enough room starting with your very first pregnancy.  All of a sudden, your stomach is HUGE and your hubby is falling off of bed in the middle of the night because there is only room for you and your ginormous every growing stomach.  Okay, maybe he doesn't fall out of the bed, but your hubby has to sleep in a 5 inch area of the bed.  Then when you have your little one, there is never enough room to nurse (that is if the infant is sleeping in your room, in a bassinet with no bumper pads, on its back, with no blankets, and in a sleeping sack- ha ha, had to throw in all the SIDS precautions).  Yes, someday the little babe will head for it's own room, in its own crib.  What happens next is either, you become pregnant again with a growing belly and no room for your hubby in your bed and he can't touch you because his hand is just WAY TOO HOT or your precious little infant becomes a toddler and you constantly wake up with a crick in your neck because somehow he's managed to crawl into bed with you.  It's not just crawling into bed and sleeping soundly next to you, it's feet in your face, changing positions frequently and sleeping in odd positions and sleeping on point 5 inches of the bed.  That's only if you have one child with you in bed.  As many of you know, I have 5 of these precious little ones.  As many of you know, I was pregnant with twins. 

exhibit A


Here I am the morning of my  C-section for the twins.  See how large my tummy is?  See how slender my hubby is?  Imagine all of that fitting on a queen size bed, oh and he wasn't allowed to be near me, it was way too hot.  Once your pregnant, there is a major need to sprawl out and in the end of the pregnancy there is absolutely NO way to get comfortable. 

Okay so now you have more kids.  More kids means more bad dreams and more naughty 2 year olds climbing out of their cribs and getting into bed with you.  My Luke is notorious for doing this.  He has Ross' horrible habit of moving his feet to get comfy.  No matter where I move my body, a little foot finds me and taps me until he drifts off.  Yes, we should just keep putting him back, but who wants to risk waking up Reed and ending up having both of them in there.  Sometimes Reed does wake up and we do end up with both of them in bed with us and I've woken up to Alli and the twins in bed.  Talk about SQUISHY! 

Exhibit B

(see how his arm is over the center part of the bed and his elbow is right where my back would be?)
I know what your thinking, this won't be me, my children will sleep in their own beds in their own rooms.  That's a great thought, but in the middle of the night, when your mind is groggy, they will find you, they will conquer, and they will sleep with you.  Please heed my warning and get yourselves a nice king sized bed.  Snuggling is great, but a stiff neck and back in the morning is not.

Oh and P.S. do not get a 2 slice toaster.  Go for the 4 slicer, you will need it.  (Yet another huge mistake I made and I'm still stuck with my two slice toaster)

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