Wassink Family

Wassink Family

Saturday, July 26, 2014

A Good Sense of Humor

Fore note:  We have one set of neighbors who live right on the main road (we're set back in a wooded lot).  That is all the neighbors we have.  They are a very nice middle age couple.  They have one son, who is married, and no grandchildren.  Ross knows them pretty well, but the kids and I don't, since we mainly stay in our yard and don't venture that far up often.  

Allison and Clay were outside playing with the twins (Leanne was inside reading) and I suggested they pick flowers for the neighbor lady since I get many of their precious flower (weeds) bouquet.  They thought it was a great idea and went to work picking.  I went back inside to attempt to clean up my baking mess, while making several glances out the window to check on the twinners.  I came back outside, once I had the kitchen under control, to find it very eerily quiet.  It came rushing back to me about them picking flowers for the neighbor and I ran down the driveway to get them.  Thankfully, they were on the way back from their house.  Allison and Clay were walking along side of Luke and Reed, who were only in t-shirts and undies (we started potty training).  Grimacing, I asked how it went bringing the flowers to the neighbor lady.  Allison said, "They weren't home."  Clay said, "We think they are on vacation with their cat."  I thought, okay, this sounds a bit odd.  When I questioned them on why they thought they were on vacation with their cat, Clay's response was "We didn't see the cat."  Their cat is an indoor cat, so I knew I had to dig a little deeper on this one.  I asked them what they did with the flowers and both of them responded with, "we put them on the counter."  I was really confused at this point and almost afraid to probe deeper.  So I asked if it was in the counter in the garage (thinking it might be on a work bench or something), Clay said, "No, we left it on the counter of their kitchen."  My mind was exploding with the phrase in their kitchen.  I then asked them if they walked around in their house and I was relieved when Clay answered, "We know we aren't supposed to do that."  I had a little talk with them about if the neighbor is not home or no one answers the door, not to go inside the house.  I also addressed them taking the twins up to the neighbors, since it's right by a busy road.  And they learned that they need to tell their mom where they are going and to let me know when they are leaving.  They learned a lot in a space of a few minutes.  I couldn't bring myself to walk back up there later when the neighbors were home, to let them know it my kids who put flowers on their counter.  I figured that they would know it was them, since we are their only neighbors.  Ross went up their for me instead.  I was relieved since he knows them a lot better than I do.  I walked up there when Ross was talking to the neighbor guy.  Ross asked me if I knew what the kids put the flowers in.  I didn't know the answer to that one, I had assumed they just laid flowers on her counter.  The neighbor man filled me in with what happened.  He was taking a nap and heard something in the kitchen.  He thought it was his wife coming in, so he quick pulled on a pair of shorts and headed out to the kitchen.  There was no one in the kitchen, but on the counter was flowers in a beer can.  My face turned about 5 shades of red, but all 3 of us were laughing!  I can't believe out all the things they could choose from, they chose a BEER CAN!  We let him know that our kids will not be entering in his house with out them answering the door.  He said that he didn't care and found it funny.  So thankful for nice neighbors with a good sense of humor.

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