Wassink Family

Wassink Family

Friday, September 26, 2014

Bright Idea

The weather has been beautiful this week, so I decided that I would take full advantage of it.  We, the twins and I, met my friend, and her little girls, at the park yesterday and let the kids run off a bunch of energy.  The boys loved it and had a lot of fun.  After we went to the park, I decided that since we were already out of the house, we would go clothes shopping for me at Clothes Junkie (an upscale, secondhand, women's clothes, retail business).  I haven't been there in awhile, and I just wanted to get a few new (to me) shirts.  Talk about a horrendous idea.  The twins were already good and worn out from the park, and they were really ready just to head home for the day.  While I was picking out stuff to try on, the boys thought it would be a good idea to play inside the clothes rack.  After pulling them out of there, more than once, and trying to be firm with them, without success, I was almost ready to try some clothes on.  I spotted 2 chairs and books set out for kids in the store, so I encouraged the boys to sit there while i looked at one more final rack.  Meanwhile, my big double side by side stroller was in the way of other shoppers.  A woman walked passed it and got caught up in the shirts I had hanging from the stroller handle.  I profusely apologized.  Embarrassed, I then looked over at the boys and they were rough  housing by the chairs.  I really should have stopped right there and left, but I didn't.  I hauled those boys into the small dressing room with me, and began to try on clothes.  The boys each had a book to look at (they were the stores).  One was a normal kids book and the other was one with really cool pop ups.  So they were busy looking at those while I got busy throwing on shirts.  It didn't last long.  They were crawling outside of the dressing room door and back in again.  The store owner gave them some smarties, trying to help me out in calming them down.  As soon as those smarties were gobbled down, they were back at it.  Reed, or was it Luke, was sitting on his brother's head while his brother was screaming.  I don't know what possesses them to do things like that, except that they are 3 year old boys.  Meanwhile, I'm working up a sweat and trying to go as fast as I can with these clothes.  Finally, I'm done and ready to check out.  I bring the items up to her, along with the books and a hand full of ripped out pop ups.  Talk about a face full of shame (mine!!!).  I overspend, because I can't think straight and apologize to the owner, who looks more than ready to see us leave.  I tell her, "they're not always this bad, but then again, I don't ever take them clothes shopping with me."  Her response, "I can see why."  That comment clearly stated to me that she had had it with them too.  I got the boys, loaded them up in the car, and left.  They didn't even make it a minute down the road before they were out.  Lesson learned, don't, just don't got clothes shopping with two, tired, three year old, boys.  It's just not worth it.

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