Wassink Family

Wassink Family

Friday, June 22, 2012

My good work out

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to vacuum with two babies around?  I never thought about it until I actually had to do it.  My babies LOVE the vacuum.  When they see me pull it out they get pretty excited.  They crawl as fast as they can to it and try to pull themselves up on it (before it's turned on).  So when I finally get them off of the vacuum to turn it on, I try to push it down the hallway.  I try to figure out why it's so hard to push, but wait, I know why it is.  I look behind me and their are 4 little hands around the cord pulling on it.  It's like tug-of-war.  If they are holding on tight enough to the cord, I pull/drag a baby behind me with the vacuum.  Usually one breaks free and tries to keep up with the vacuum.  I have to be extremely careful not to vacuum over their tiny fingers.  You  may be asking yourself, why doesn't she do it when they are sleeping?  The noise wakes them up.  I would wait until Ross gets home, but I can't stand it when I feel a crunch beneath my feet. Vacuuming is not only adventurous, it's a good work out too.

My other good work out of the day is keeping them out of my food pantry.  It's a closet we converted into a pantry.   As soon as they hear that door open, they are in it.  That's not the real problem though.  It's getting them both out of the closet.  I get one out and take him pretty far down the hallway and I head back to get the other one out.  By the time I grab the other one, the one down the hallway is already back.  In order to shut the door, I use my foot/leg to keep the baby on the floor out.  And then I finally shut that door.

But the ultimate favorite of theirs is the BATHROOM!!  They always bump their heads against the door to see if it will open.  And if it does, viola, they are in there.  They usually stand by the side of the tub and dump anything that is sitting on that side of the tub in.  Then they move on to play with the door stopper and they ding it over and over again.  Bringgg, bringgg, bringgg (in my mind that's what it sounds like).  I usually just pick them both up at the same time to get them out of there. 

All day they are into everything.  Luke usually follows Reed around.  Reed is definitely the instigator.  I feel like I get a really good work out every day and I usually collapse into bed at night from being so busy all day.

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