Wassink Family

Wassink Family

Monday, June 11, 2012

my time at the library

I decided to be a good mom today and take my kids to the library to sign up for the summer reading club.  It turned out to be quite an adventure.  It's not the first time I took them all there, but the first time I used a different stroller, the one that one kid sits in front and the other behind.  Today I used my jogger side by side.  It was a ginormous mistake!  I got everyone out of the car and the twins were buckled in their side by side stroller and got up to the door.  IT WOULD NOT FIT THROUGH THE DOORWAY!!!!  Most mom's would have quit right then and there, but I knew my older kids would be so disappointed.  We got through the first door by tipping it a little and jamming it through.  Not so fortunate with the second set of doors.  After struggling for a few minutes, 2 ladies that were getting books for themselves unbuckled my babies so I could fold up the stroller and get it through that way.  I thanked them over and over.  Now that we were in, I couldn't concentrate on helping my kids pick out books.  All I could think was how will I get these babies to the car after we are done checking out.  I devised my plan.  I would get all the kids in the car first and come back in for my books and stroller.  I now able to help the kids pick out books.  They are very well behaved in the library so I don't mind taking them there.  After picking out a mountain of books, we went to check them out and sign up for the summer reading club.  I asked the librarian to hold onto my books for me until I got everyone loaded up.  I had a baby in each arm and had the older kids push the handicap button to open the doors for me.  I got everyone buckled in and parked in front of the library.  I know you're not supposed to leave kids unattended in the car, but I could see them from the front window and I felt like there was no other way.  So I folded down my 30 lb double jogging stroller and hoisted it up and walked it to the back of my car.  And then I started laughing at myself-I feel like this could only happen to me.  Phew, one thing done, one more to go.  On the way going back inside the library to get my books, I also happened to pick up a sock and a bag of cheerios that fell out of the bottom of my stroller.  Now as for my books, the librarian had put them behind her desk, so I waited a few seconds by the side of her desk until she was done with the other person she was talking to.  One eyeball on the car, one eyeball on the librarian.  Instead of quick getting my books, she proceeded to help the next person in line.  I was peeved.  I have kids waiting in the car.  I went back to check on the kids and then went to try to get the books again.  Finally, she was available to help me.  She looked at me with a blank stare and I asked about the books.  She came to life and felt bad for making me wait.  I forgave her.  It's not her fault that my stroller wouldn't fit through the door.  Then we came home.  Ross says I'm a strong woman, not like in muscular but strong as in I can handle pretty much anything.  I have to agree with him today. 

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