Wassink Family

Wassink Family

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

daily living

8 am......Clay or Allison sneak into mommy's bed for morning snuggles.

8:30 am.... Everyone is hungry so time to get out the breakfast.  Get babies cereal and sippy cups ready and then head to their room to get them out of bed.

8:35am....bring both babies down the hallway and wrangle them in their highchairs.

9am.....breakfast complete.  phew, made it through meal number 1.

 9am through rest of the day.....check every few minutes to make sure that basement door is shut.  Sometimes it is, sometimes it's not.  Yell, "make sure you shut the basement door.  We don't want the babies to fall down the steps."

9:30.....make everyone get dressed.  I don't care if they don't match, just as long as they throw some clothes on.  Help Alli get dressed (have to be careful with what underwear she gets.  It might "hurt" her)  Somehow manage to get both babies dressed (they like to roll and fight me until they are free to crawl)

9:45am....."We're hungry.  We need a snack."  Pass out granola bars.

10am.....Clean up all the cereal on the ground.  Dustpan full of fruit loops and cheerios goes into trash-how much even ended up in their mouths?  no one really knows.

10:30....babies crawl into the bathroom and get into the bath toys.  I run in to make sure toilet lid is closed.  It is.  back to cleaning up.

10:40am...find babies by laundry basket pulling out clean folded laundry and tossing it on the floor. 

10:45am.....Babies go down for 1st nap of day.  I clean like a mad woman.

11am.....Ross stops in to get something.  "did you call the window place yet?"  I look at him and say "I'll get right on that (insert sarcasm)"

12pm...Lunch time.  2nd meal of day.  Just got done putting away breakfast.  Kids at the table, babies in the high chairs

12:10pm....Everyone is done,except babies.  Ross walks in the door to eat his lunch (at least he makes his own). 

12:20pm...babies done with lunch, Ross is back at work.  Clean up every ones mess again.  Another dustpan full of scraps into the trash.  2nd meal complete.

12:30pm....quick call window place to see if their in. 

12:35pm....find both babies in the other bathroom that we use for storage.  Babies decided that playing with vases sounded like a good idea.

1pm...One baby in the living room.  Where is the other?  "Reed, where are you?!"  He's found in the bathroom, standing next to toilet.  Look inside toilet to see he's thrown in a Piece of foam.  Look closer, the previous person (one of the kids) did not flush the toilet.  I fish out the foam and throw it in trash.  Reed then gets his hands doused with hand sanitizer. 

1:30pm...decide to make chicken salad for supper.  get going on that.  Not looking forward to chopping up chicken and veggies for it, but I'm excited about eating it later.

1:45pm...hear ripping sound from living room.  find babies with a psalter on the ground and they ripped number 33 in half.  take psalter away and place it higher.

2pm....put both babies to bed for second nap. 

That is as far as I got today. If I could look into the future the rest of the day would look like this.  Put out several fires (fights) between the children,  get babies up from naps and watch them like hawks.  I'm sure I'll pull some stuff out of their mouths that they're not supposed to have, and there will be several more times I check the basement door, and several more times they get into stuff they're not supposed too.  At some point we'll have dinner and then proceed for the best time of the day.  Bedtime.  I love seeing my children, but I always look forward to bedtime.

                                 Luke in green, Reed in grey. 
                                 Reed is using Luke to pull up to stand. 
                                  Luke isn't so happy with this situation.

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