Wassink Family

Wassink Family

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Our first year

My twins turned one.  I can't believe it.  It went so fast.  This is a little recap on the babies first year of life.

This is the morning of the c-section.

my first time seeing the boys.  reed is by ross

my first time really holding them.

reed on left, luke on right


first smiles

first time sitting in the bumbos

first time sharing

 first time eating baby food

Reed was hospitalized at 6 months for rsv and pneumonia. 
He was one sick little boy

We can push ourselves up

Yay. we can sit up

First bath time in the big boy tub

We love our daddy

Standing by our play table for the first time.

Luke left, Reed right

We love to play by our toy box after bath time

We are at the big table.  We steal each other's cups and food

Reed thinks his cupcake is yummy.  Happy first birthday Reed!

Luke thinks his cupcake is yummy!  Happy first birthday Luke!

Reed and Luke buried in all of their gifts

We are so blessed to have these boys in our life.  God couldn't have given us a more precious gift than our family.  Happy 1st birthday Luke and Reed.  Mommy, Daddy, Leanne, Clay, and Allison, love you!

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