Wassink Family

Wassink Family

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Got Eggs?

One of our black chickens all of a sudden developed a maternal instinct.  She has now decided that she will sit on her eggs and not get off them.  Before she would wander the yard with the other chickens, but lately she has become a home body or should I say a coop body.  Mind you, we do not have a rooster, so her dream of having baby chicks will never be.  When I was baking the twin's birthday cake, I ran out of eggs.  This rarely happens to me.  I usually have a surplus of eggs and I give a lot of them away.  However, this had to happen on the day I needed them the most.  I refuse to buy eggs (and I had little desire to pack up all 5 kids to go buy eggs) and I knew that our nesting chicken had some good ones laying underneath her.  I sent Leanne and Clay to go get eggs.  They came up with 2 eggs.  I was one short.  When I asked if they checked under the black chicken, they said no.  My kids do not pick up the black ones because the black ones peck at them.  The orange/yellow ones don't.  So I convinced Clay to go outside with me to try to gather the eggs.  I told him that maybe he could pick up this chicken.  As soon as he reached in there, it pecked him.  We both got sticks and poked her with them.  The chicken, in turn, pecked at our sticks.  I gathered beans from the garden, in hopes of trying to bribe her with food to move.  A yellow/orange one, gobbled it up instead.  That chicken was NOT going to move.  After some hem hawing, I decided to give up and wait till Ross got home for lunch to gather the rest of those eggs.  I really wanted to finish my baking.  Then my ever determined girl, Leanne, went back out there to give it a whirl.  She came back up with ONE egg.  She handed it to me and it was still warm (that's a little to fresh for me).  I asked her how she did it.  Leanne said she took a stick and lifted up the chicken's butt and reached under the chicken and grabbed the egg.  Then she proceeded to tell me that the chicken was in process of laying 2 more eggs.  I have yet to see a chicken lay an egg and I have little desire to see it.  We decided that the stubborn chicken needed a name and decided to call him Pesky. Leanne saved the day.  I love that girl so much.

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