Wassink Family

Wassink Family

Friday, January 6, 2012


I do not enjoy doing laundry. Laundry and grocery shopping are probably my least favorite chores to do. As I sat folding my 5th basket of laundry at 11pm at night I began to ponder why do I do this chore? My heart was heavy and my eyes were tired. I really didn't feel like doing this late at night. I folded and washed for a couple of hours. I probably could do 5 loads every other day and still not catch up on it. It's an understatement to say we have a lot of laundry. So as I sat there folding onsies, shirts, and jeans the thought jumped into my head that I need to choose my attitude doing this. Should I have such a heavy heart doing this? No, I should not. I need to choose to be happy while I fold the laundry. I do this with a servants heart wanting to serve my family and be a good example to my children. They need to see that their mother loves them. I can tell them every day that I love them, but actions speak louder than words. My attitude needs to match what comes out of my mouth. Folding laundry is just one way to show them this. Someday my children will be old enough to wash the laundry and they will need to choose their attitudes regarding this task. They will have moments in their life where they need to choose their attitudes when they find something disagreeable. Hopefully I will be able to set a good example of how to choose it. Folding the laundry is love, grocery shopping is love, giving baths is love. Love is choosing your attitude as you take care of your blessings.

1 comment:

  1. Very well said Erin. Thank you for the reminder to have joy, even in the mundane tasks that may not be so fun. It is totally an attitude choice we can make everyday. That being said, I probably better go start my laundry :0)
